Season 07 Episode 05: Jumpin' Jacks (Pt.2 of 2) by Unexplained Podcast


Part Two of Season 07 Episode 05: Jumpin' Jacks

The search for the mysterious Spring-Heeled Jack continues...

This episode was written by Diane Hope and Richard MacLean Smith

Go to twitter @unexplainedpod, or for more info. Thank you for listening.


Season 07 Episode 05: Jumpin' Jacks by Unexplained Podcast


Most countries and cultures have their own version of a bogeyman and the UK is no exception – many of them given the epithet of ‘Jack’. 

The one they called Spring Heeled Jack, which emerged at the dawn of the Victorian era is by far the strangest... 

This episode was written by Diane Hope and produced by Richard MacLean Smith

Go to twitter @unexplainedpod, or for more info. Thank you for listening.


Season 07 Episode 04: Children of the Stones by Unexplained Podcast


A tangled web of myth and history, an alluring mixture of fact and fiction shadowed by an ever-present aura of death and pagan spiritual energy. 

I give you, Stonehenge...

Written by Ella MacLeod and Richard MacLean Smith

Go to twitter @unexplainedpod, or for more info. Thank you for listening.


Season 07 Episode 03: Under Black Water (Pt.2 of 2) by Unexplained Podcast


Part Two of Season 07 Episode 03: Under Black Water 

A strange discovery made on a fishing trawler just off the east coast of South Africa in 1938 has some wondering, could the Loch Ness Monster be real after all?

This episode was written by Diane Hope and produced by Richard MacLean Smith

Go to twitter @unexplainedpod, or for more info. Thank you for listening.

Photograph by Charles W. Wyckoff enhanced by computer at the Jet Propulsion Lab


Season 07 Episode 03: Under Black Water (Pt.1 of 2) by Unexplained Podcast


In August 1930, the first media report of a strange creature, reportedly seen in the waters of Loch Ness in Scotland, was published by a local Inverness newspaper.

It would not be the last...

This episode was written by Diane Hope and produced by Richard MacLean Smith

Go to twitter @unexplainedpod, or for more info. Thank you for listening.


Season 07 Episode 02: UFO 54 by Unexplained Podcast


Whether it was the rumour that a UFO followed the flight path of a plane from New York to London in June, or it was the sighting of the strange “green ball” over Madagascar in August.

1954 certainly seemed to be a hotbed of apparent UFO-related incidents. No more so than over the continent of Europe...

This episode was written by Ella McLeod and Richard MacLean Smith

Go to twitter @unexplainedpod, or for more info. Thank you for listening.


Season 07 Episode 1: The Fall Without End (Pt.2 of 2) by Unexplained Podcast


Part 2 of Season 7 Episode 1: The Fall Without End

After the US government offers a formal apology and explanation of sorts to Frank Olson's family, Frank's son Eric is unconvinced. 

Digging a little further into the case, he uncovers some horrifying truths...

This episode was written by Emma Dibdin and edited by Richard MacLean Smith

Go to twitter @unexplainedpod, or for more info. Thank you for listening.


Season 07 Episode 1: The Fall Without End (Pt.1 of 2) by Unexplained Podcast


On the evening of November 28th, 1953, in New York, Frank Olson was found on the pavement outside the Statler Hotel having fallen out of a window on the 13th floor. 

Olson died shortly after hitting the pavement.

His death was first said to be caused by suicide. But then Olson, had worked for the CIA and on MK Ultra. Nothing was quite what it seemed...

This episode was written by Emma Dibdin and edited by Richard MacLean Smith

Go to twitter @unexplainedpod, or for more info. Thank you for listening.


Season 03 Episode 06: Shores of the Unknown (Rerun) by Unexplained Podcast


With Unexplained Season 7 due to start next Friday, July 28th, we have time for one more episode from the vaults. 

This week we return to Broadhaven in Wales, where a series of bizarre events occurred over the course of a few months in 1977. 

And it all began in the playground of a local primary school...

Go to twitter @unexplainedpod, or for more info. Thank you for listening.


Season 04 Episode 03: I See You (Rerun) by Unexplained Podcast


With Unexplained currently on a break between seasons, we’re taking a look back at some of our favourite episodes.

In the summer of 2014, Maria and Derek Broaddus were overjoyed when they completed on their dream home; a $1.4 million dollar mansion in the affluent suburb of Westfield in New Jersey.

But then the letters started to arrive…

Go to twitter @unexplainedpod, or for more info. Thank you for listening.

657 Boulevard, Courtesy The Westfield Leader


Season 04 Episode 04: Always Already (Rerun) by Unexplained Podcast


Continuing with our look back at some of our favourite episodes while we take a break between seasons, this week we’re going back to March 2019. 

In 1969 National Geographic photographer Loren McIntyre traveled deep into the Amazon in search of the fabled Mayoruna tribe who were said to have no contact with the outside world. 

What happened next left him wondering for the rest of his life whether it had truly occurred or not... 

Go to twitter @unexplainedpod, or for more info. Thank you for listening.


Loren McIntyre.


Season 01 Episode 01: Opening the Gate (Rerun) by Unexplained Podcast


Revisiting some of our favourite episodes...

Since the dawn of communication, we have shared stories about imaginary beings; entities such as demons, angels, monsters, and fairies. 

But what if they weren't stories at all? What if these entities were real, existing right next to us, right now, walking invisibly among us? 

What if all we needed to see them was some kind of gateway, and what price would we pay for opening it?

Featuring the tragic story of occultist Netta Fornario.

Go to twitter @unexplainedpod, or for more info. Thank you for listening.


Season 6 Episode 34 Extra: Your Electric Feel by Unexplained Podcast


Experiments to prove the existence of psychokinesis have been criticized for lack of proper controls and repeatability and are generally regarded as pseudoscience.

One story that emerged out of Sweden in 1919 is certainly strange enough to make you think again...

This episode was written by Richard MacLean Smith and Diane Hope

Go to twitter @unexplainedpod, or for more info. Thank you for listening.


Season 6 Episode 33: An American Werewolf in America by Unexplained Podcast


Near Elkhorn, Wisconsin, in the autumn of 1991, local journalist Linda Godfrey recorded a series of peculiar sightings of a terrifying humanoid dog-like creature, apparently witnessed skulking around the fringes of nearby Bray Road.

What seemed a ludicrous proposition at first, soon took on a surprising amount of credibility...

This episode was written by Diane Hope

Go to twitter @unexplainedpod, or for more info. Thank you for listening.

The ‘Beast of Bray Road’, sketch by Linda Godfrey


Season 6 Episode 32 Extra: After the Gold Rush by Unexplained Podcast


Toward the end of the Second World War, it became apparent that billions of US dollars worth of priceless art, gold, and a veritable treasure trove of other artifacts, looted by advocates of the Third Reich had been hidden away throughout Germany.

Some believe a significant amount of it, is still out there...

This episode was written by Ella McLeod.

Go to twitter @unexplainedpod, or for more info. Thank you for listening.