Season 07 Episode 24: The Elves Are in the Building by Unexplained Podcast


The volcanic landscape of Iceland exerts a strong pull on the psyche. So it's no wonder the nation's folklore is so rich with stories of the supernatural, of ghosts and trolls, but most of all, elves... 

This episode was written by Diane Hope and produced by Richard MacLean Smith

Go to @unexplainedpod, or for more info. Thank you for listening.


Season 07 Episode 23: The Box (Pt.3 of 3) by Unexplained Podcast


Kevin Mannis, outside Addy's Market 2004 (Jason Haxton)

Third and final part of Season 07 Episode 23: The Box 

Jason continues his quest to get to the bottom of how the dibbuk box came into being.  What he uncovers is more wild than he could possibly have imagined...

Go to @unexplainedpod, or for more info. Thank you for listening.


Season 07 Episode 23: The Box (Pt.2 of 3) by Unexplained Podcast


Jason Haxton (David Kennedy / For The Times)

Part two of Season 07 Episode 23: The Box 

Despite the disturbing nature of Kevin's eBay listing, his 'dibbuk' box attracts the interest of hundreds of potential buyers. Before long, it's heading for Kirksville, Missouri, with disturbing consequences...

Go to @unexplainedpod, or for more info. Thank you for listening.


Season 07 Episode 23: The Box (Pt.1 of 3) by Unexplained Podcast


In June 2003, something unusual popped up for sale on eBay.

The listing was posted by used furniture dealer Kevin Mannis and concerned a strange Jewish artefact he'd apparently purchased a few years before. He called it a dybbuk box.

He said he wanted to sell it because, according to him, it was haunted...

Go to @unexplainedpod, or for more info. Thank you for listening.


Season 07 Episode 22: Jumping into Legend (Pt.2 of 2) by Unexplained Podcast


Second and final part of Season 07 Episode 22: Jumping into Legend

In the hunt for the true identity of the so-called Dan Cooper, the FBI and police interview over 800 suspects. Could one of them be him?

This episode was written by Emma Dibdin and produced by Richard MacLean Smith.

Go to @unexplainedpod, or for more info. Thank you for listening.


Season 07 Episode 22: Jumping into Legend (Pt.1 of 2) by Unexplained Podcast


On November 24th 1971 at Portland International airport, a man turned up at the ticket desk requesting a one-way ticket to Seattle.

The rest is strange and mystifying history...

This episode was written by Emma Dibdin and produced by Richard MacLean Smith.

Go to @unexplainedpod, or for more info. Thank you for listening.


Season 07 Episode 21: Wild is the Wind by Unexplained Podcast


It's long been thought that people can be driven to madness by the wind. 

In 1969, Episcopalian bishop James Pike and his wife Diane became stranded in the Judean desert while on a research trip. Then the wind started to blow... 

This episode was written by Diane Hope and Richard MacLean Smith. 

Go to @unexplainedpod, or for more info. Thank you for listening.


Season 07 Episode 20: The Haunting of Hannath Hall (Pt.2 of 2) by Unexplained Podcast


The second and final part of Season 07 Episode 20: The Haunting of Hannath Hall

The team from the Cambridge University Society of Psychical Research are ready to begin their investigation of Hannath Hall. Starting with a good old fashioned séance...

Go to @unexplainedpod, or for more info. Thank you for listening.


Season 07 Episode 20: The Haunting of Hannath Hall (Pt.1 of 2) by Unexplained Podcast


It always fills me with a particular sense of caution, and no little excitement when I learn of new alleged poltergeist events, particularly ones that invoke the work of Nigel Kneale involving learned men and women on the hunt for ghosts… 

And so I present to you, the haunting of Hannath Hall...

Go to @unexplainedpod, or for more info. Thank you for listening.



Season 07 Episode 19: Homes Under the Hammer Horror by Unexplained Podcast


In 1999, a house went on the market in the tiny village of Upper Mayfield near the Derbyshire Peak District.

It was bought by Tim Chilton for what he thought was a steal. It turned out to be far more than that...

This episode was written by Diane Hope.

Go to @unexplainedpod, or for more info. Thank you for listening.


Season 07 Episode 18: A Dance with Mr. Dee (Pt.4 of 4) by Unexplained Podcast


The fourth and final part of Season 07 Episode 18: A Dance with Mr. Dee (Pt.4 of 4)

Fearing for his life, John Dee flees with his family to Europe along with his trusty scryer Edward Kelly.  Together they continue to commune with angels in pursuit of Dee's dream to unlock the secrets of the universe. All seems to be going well until Kelly makes an outrageous proposition...

This episode was written by Diane Hope and Richard MacLean Smith

Go to @unexplainedpod, or for more info. Thank you for listening.


Season 07 Episode 18: A Dance with Mr. Dee (Pt.3 of 4) by Unexplained Podcast


Part Three of Season 07 Episode 18: A Dance with Mr. Dee 

Late one afternoon in March 1582, John Dee is introduced to one Edward Talbot, a self-proclaimed medium and scryer. And, Dee hopes, the gateway to his wildest dreams. 

His life will never be the same again. 

This episode was written by Diane Hope and Richard MacLean Smith

Go to @unexplainedpod, or for more info. Thank you for listening.


Season 07 Episode 18: A Dance with Mr. Dee (Pt.2 of 4) by Unexplained Podcast


With the death of Queen Mary 1st, John Dee does what he can to ingratiate himself with the new Queen, Elizabeth 1st.  

In the secrecy of his home, he embarks on an ambitious new experiment, to uncover nothing less than the secrets of the universe...

This episode was written by Diane Hope and Richard MacLean Smith

Go to @unexplainedpod, or for more info. Thank you for listening.


S03 E10: Here is Always Somewhere Else (RERUN) by Unexplained Podcast


Unexplained will return next week.

In place of this week's episode, this is one from the vaults...

When 3 year old Shanti Devi becomes convinced she has lived another life before, her parents assume it’s just a childish game.

Today many consider her story to be nothing less than absolute proof of reincarnation…

Go to @unexplainedpod, or for more info. Thank you for listening.


Season 07 Episode 16: Take Me Dancing Tonight by Unexplained Podcast


In the late 1960s, there were few better places to enjoy a night out in Glasgow than the Barrowland Ballroom. 

At weekends, as many as 2000 would cram into the venue to dance away the night. 

Among them, was one of the UK's most notorious misogynistic murderers, whose true identity remains to this day, Unexplained. 

This episode was written by Emma Dibdin and Richard MacLean Smith.

Go to @unexplainedpod, or for more info. Thank you for listening.


Season 07 Episode 15: In His Eyes a Flaming Glow (Pt. 2 of 2). by Unexplained Podcast


Part two of Season 07 Episode 15: In His Eyes a Flaming Glow

As Gregori Rasputin's influence over the Tsar and Tsarina grows ever stronger, so too does the determination of his enemies to put a stop to it. By any means necessary.

But how do you kill the man who cannot die?

This episode was written by Emma Dibdin and Richard MacLean Smith.

Go to @unexplainedpod, or for more info. Thank you for listening.


Season 07 Episode 15: In His Eyes a Flaming Glow by Unexplained Podcast


In the early 1900s, a strange enigmatic mystic ingratiated himself with the Russian royal family.

It was the beginning of a new life for him – and for the royals. 

Unknown to them then, it was also the beginning of the end...

The man's name... Grigori Rasputin. 

This episode was written by Emma Dibdin and Richard MacLean Smith.

Go to @unexplainedpod, or for more info. Thank you for listening.